Konzert MEISTERKONZERT Kammermusik Doppelkonzert

Atanas Ourkouzounov, Gitarre und Mie Ogura, Flöte

Atanas Ourkouzounov, Gitarre und Mie Ogura, Flöte (Bulgarien/Japan)

Edmauro de Oliveira, Gitarre und Alejandro Panetta, Percussion (Brasil/Argentina)


2. Juni 2018 19:30 Klusparkkapelle 19:30 Uhr

Eintritt 35/25 CHF
Musik aus Brasilien und Bulgarien

Atanas Ourkouzounov is one of most interesting personalities in the Bulgarian contemporary music. Guitar player and composer with a rich musical background, he is considered one of the main authors in the domain of the new generation’s music for guitar.

The wide inspiration of his musical language is the result of a subtle use of the forms, an endless and original rhythmical search and a colour work which leads the guitar to explore new territories and sonorities.

Atanas Ourkouzounov grew up in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he began guitar studies with Dimitar Doitchinov. Starting from 1992, he continued his studies in France with Arnaud Dumond, Alexandre Lagoya and Olivier Chassain. He studied guitar, chamber music, analysis,  ethnomusicology and improvisation at the Paris Conservatory and graduated in 1997 with unanimous vote the first prize in guitar.

As composer he has been awarded with several prizes (« Michele Pittaluga – Città di Alessandria » – Italy, 1997 – ; « Paolo Barsacchi » – Italy, 1997 – ; « Il fronimo – Suvini Zerboni » – Italy, 1998 – ; « Ciudad de Montevideo » – Uruguay, 1998 – ; « Carrefour mondial des guitares » – Martinique, 1998-).

Ourkouzounov has written over 100 works for guitar—solos, duos, trios, quartets, instrumental ensembles, and two concerti—a number of which have won important prizes, and a majority of which have been published by leading publishers (Doberman-Yppan , Henry Lemoine).

Several internationally recognized performers have played his works. Among them Zoran Dukic, Denis Azabagic, Scott Tennant, Shin-ichi Fukuda, Alberto Vingiano, Eduardo Isaac, Pablo Marquez, Antigoni Goni, Duo Gruber-Maklar, Miscelanea Guitar Quartet, Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, Thibault Cauvin, Dimitri Illarionov, Jérémy Jouve , Gabriel Bianco , Carlos Perez, Juan Carlos Laguna , Thomas Muller-Pering, Duo Palissandre, Ensemble Nomad, Patrick Kearney, etc.

Atanas Ourkouzounov performs widely as soloist and with the Japanese flautist Mie Ogura. In addition to eight CDs on which Ourkouzounov plays, more than 50 CDs of his music performed by others are currently available.

Ourkouzounov is also in demand as a teacher and juror at conferences and conservatories in Europe, USA, Canada, China and Japan and he holds a full-time position at the Conservatoire “Maurice Ravel” in Paris.

Born in Japan 1973, Mie Ogura started very early to play piano at age of 3, flute at age 7.

In 1994,Mie Ogura moved to France,and graduated with Diplôme from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris under Pierre-Yves Artaud and Sophie Cherrier,and the Academia Musicale de Chigiana(Italy) under Aurèle Nicolet(flute) and Alain Meunier(chamber music)

After obtained an contemporary improvisation prize, she also inserested many others language to improvise,she continued to study the baroque flute with Pierre Séchet and jazz improvisation with Glenn Ferris, Jean-Charles Richard, as well as indian music with Patrick Moutal.

Mie Ogura is rare flutist in the world who can play different styles such as classical,contemporary,jazz and traditional musique. She has appeared regulary as a soloist and chamber musician with many different ensembles and orchestras,invited from many festivals of Europa,United-States,CanadaJapan,Australia,and recorded on seven


Actually She makes world wide concert tour of Duo with Atanas Ourkouzounov(guitar)and Duo with Marie-Catherine Girod(piano)

She is passionate about teaching,edited the jazz flute beginners book « Flute Jazz Coffeebreak »,published in 2005 at Edition Trim(Japan).

Actually Flute and Improvisation professor at the Conservatory of city of Paris“Jacques Ibert”.


Edmauro de Oliveira wurde in Guaratinguéta (Brasilien) geboren. Er studierte Musik mit Hauptfach Gitarre an der Universität São Paulo und erwarb im Jahr 2004 das Konzertreifediplom an der Hochschule für Musik Winterthur und Zürich in der Klasse von Jury Clormann.
Er gewann verschiedene Musikwettbewerbe, u.a. war er Stipendiat an den Meisterkursen von Santiago de Compostela in Spanien und Träger des Förderpreises vom PROJETO NASCENTE. Von 1998 bis 2000 hatte er einen Lehrauftrag in São Paulo, seit 2009 unterrichtet er am Konservatorium Winterthur.
Er war an verschiedenen CD-Aufnahmen beteiligt und gilt als exzellenter Bearbeiter und Interpret von Gitarrenmusik. Er tritt in verschiedenen Formationen im In- und Ausland auf, so u.a. im Opernhaus Zürich, mit dem Orchester il mosaico, den Roland Fink Singers, Gufo Reale, Bachdança, Rodrigo Botter Maio, João Bastos.

Alejandro Panetta ist in Argentinien geboren und hat sein Perkussionsstudium in Brasilien und Kuba absolviert. Seit über 25 Jahren arbeitet er als professioneller Musiker und Musiklehrer. Mitwirkung in diversen Formationen und CD-Projekten unter anderem mit Celia Cruz, Giovanni Hidalgo, Dave Valentin, New York Salsa All Stars, Ramiro Musotto,
Marc Sway, Toni Martinez, Rodrigo Botter Maio und vielen anderen grossen Musikern aus der Welt der «Latinmusic».